Will my old deck look good? Located at Indooroopilly on the Brisbane River, my client’s old timber deck needed some real help. I started replacing joists and bearers with high strength (min.F27) high durability class 1 in ground timber. The Goodings boys then suggested new 140 x 25 select grade Tonka decking boards and ….they were right.
It looks fantastic!The Tonka Timber mill (that’s where Goodings get theri timber) has FSC approval. What that means is a big green tick from Greenpeace, the World Wildlife Fund, and the Australian Conservation Foundation.
Anyone who needs help with a timber project would do well to contact Gooding Timber and Hardware. They used the smart frame engineering programme to design and confirm the structural timbers for the deck, and the best part was …
IT’S A FREE PART OF THEIR SERVICE!Thanks again Goodings for helping me provide a decking project my customers thought was really special. Ben Osmond
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